Public consultation on all TSOs’ proposal for the implementation framework for a European platform for the imbalance netting process


This consultation concerns all TSOs’ proposal for the implementation framework for a European platform for the imbalance netting process in accordance with Article 22 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing (GLEB).

The TSOs responsible for submitting the all TSOs’ proposal for the implementation framework for a European platform for the imbalance netting process have to consult stakeholders as defined in Article 10 of the GLEB. To fulfil this GLEB requirement, and even more importantly, to get the input from stakeholders and market participants on this important feature of the future European electricity balancing market, ENTSO-E and the TSOs hold this open on-line consultation.

The consultation was launched on the ENTSO-E page ( on 15 January 2018 12:00 h and will be closed on 15 March 2018 12:00 h. We encourage all stakeholders and market participants to take part in the consultation, so that the TSOs can consider their views on the European platform for the imbalance netting process. Only sufficient participation can ensure that the platform will successfully serve the needs of all relevant parties involved, be it TSOs, balancing service providers or other stakeholders.
