
The Board of Directors of Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s. via its resolution approved assignment of OKTE, a.s. to perform the activity of the Local issuer of EIC identification numbers (EIC codes), with central registration and recording of EIC codes as well as with setting procedure upon determining identification numbers which are being allocated and registered by transmission system operators, direct line operators, and electricity producers pursuant to the ENTSO-E standard.

In regard to this decision SEPS shall finish issuance of EIC codes on 26.06.2013, i.e. applications for EIC code allocation delivered to SEPS after 26.06.2013 shall be forwarded to OKTE, a.s. ( for handling.

Reference to EIC codes

EIC codes issued by SEPS
Complete European list of EIC codes
Offices issuing EIC codes