Application of SEPS direct information obligations based on REMIT Regulation

In line with Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency SEPS is obliged to:

  • publicly, effectively and without further delay publish inside information pursuant to Article 4 and
  • in case of reasonable suspicion without further delay pursuant to Article 15 notify national regulatory authority (ÚRSO) on any breach of prohibition of insider trading (Article 3) and any breach of prohibition of market manipulation (Article 5) as a person professionally arranging transactions in wholesale energy products (PPAT).

SEPS publishes inside information on JAO Inside Information Platform – JAO IIP (web link: and simultaneously evaluates internally reasonable suspicions of above mentioned breaches. External market participants may in case of reasonable suspicion of mentioned breaches on markets related to ancillary services and transmission capacities on SK-UA profile inform SEPS via dedicated e-mail address: