Damas Energy (DaE) is a comprehensive information system for business management of the transmission system. DaE information system implemented in the conditions of Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s. (hereinafter referred to as “SEPS”) is used to automate business and technical processes associated with the management and operation of the electricity system of the Slovak Republic. It ensures flexible communication between transmission system operators and other market participants – nominated operators of electricity markets, electricity producers, domestic and foreign traders, large electricity customers or providers of ancillary services and, finally, effective communication between internal users. DaE system ensures the two-way transmission of business and technical data on a daily basis and performs their processing and evaluation.
Actual information
Currently supported web browsers are Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
Internet Explorer is no longer supported.
For more information on the current version of the SEPS trading system, see the User Guide.
The current version of DaE is using the TLS 1.2 protocol for communication via web services. The web services are available through the addresses in the list below.
For further questions, please contact the Damas Energy administrators:
Martin Chochol, tel.: +421 2 5069 2779, mobile: +421 917 950 377, e-mail: martin.chochol@sepsas.sk;
Michal Bombara, tel.: +421 2 5069 2778, mobile: +421 915 291 837, e-mail: michal.bombara@sepsas.sk;
Peter Čišecký, tel.: +421 2 5069 2606, mobile: +421 917 108 691, e-mail: peter.cisecky@sepsas.sk
Title | Document |
User Guide | User_Guide |
Registration Form | User_Registration_form.xls Entity_Registration_form.xls |
Week operation schedule | Week operation schedule_Template |
Daily operation schedule (DOS) | Daily operation schedule (DOS)_Template |
Change DOS | Change_DOS_Template |
Operation schedule of bid of balance energy | Operation schedule of bid of balance energy_Template |
Template - Contract availability reduction | Contract_availability_reduction_Template |
Server Certificate | SEPSAS_Public_Server_Cert_2024.rar |