New Capacity Allocation Method for Central-Eastern Europe presented and discussed amongst Transmission System Operators, Regulators and Market Participants
High interest of electricity market participants in the new international capacity allocation method / Stakeholders got acquainted with methods / Common solution to foster market development for Central-East Europe should go live before the end of 2009.
On 12 May 2009, the CAO Central Allocation Office GmbH (CAO) and the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) of Central-Eastern Europe (CEE) invited stakeholders interested in the transmission capacity allocation to a workshop in Munich, taking place under the auspices of the national regulators of the involved countries. In this context, stakeholders and market participants have become acquainted with the principles of the new capacity allocation solution. There were more than 70 representatives of the market participants attending the workshop. The workshop has provided the participants with the opportunity to exchange opinions about the developed allocation method before beginning of the internal and external test run with the IT solution.
As CAO is being established in Germany, the workshop was opened jointly by the representatives of Bundesnetzagentur and E-Control – i.e. the German regulator and the Austrian regulator as the lead regulator for the CEE region. This was followed by a presentation of the CEE TSOs – represented by their facilitating party – transpower stromübertragungs gmbh (former E.ON Netz GmbH) in order to introduce the CEE coordinated capacity allocation project. Then, CAO Central Allocation Office GmbH was introduced as the central point for congestion management starting with the yearly auction for 2010.
Core presentations of the workshop given in cooperation by CAO and the CEE TSOs dealt with allocation principles to be adopted for 2010 and explanation of the Flow-based capacity calculation and allocation method. The workshop was finished by discussion panel where all the participants had a chance to discuss on presented information and pose questions answered by all the speakers. There were dozens questions raised and answered by CAO, regulators or TSOs. The discussion panel was a very good constructive platform of the first open discussion among the players of the CEE project.
The test phase is planned for coming months in order to prove good functionality of the method and in order to get the market participants familiarized with the new system.
For detailed agenda of the workshop and presentation please visit web site of CAO:
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