Transparency: Towards an Open and Competitive Internal Energy Market
2 February 2015 Another step towards the completion of the internal energy market (IEM) and in compliance with Regulation (EU) No. 543/2013 on submission and publication of data in electricity markets, the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform went live on 5 January, 2015. For over a decade, European institutions and energy market participants have been working to create a single, open and competitive European electricity and gas market: the internal energy market. A level playing ground, where all market participants – big and small, incumbents and new entrants, businesses and citizens – have free and equal access to fundamental data and information on pan-European wholesale energy generation, transmission and consumption, is now a reality. The new ENTSO-E Transparency Platform provides this access. Connecting More Data to More People After three weeks of operation, the platform already gives access to a large amount of data, although gaps still exist for some data and countries, as providers pull together the feeds from primary data owners and fine-tune the configuration of their systems to allow complete and ongoing data submission to the platform. “ENTSO-E is proud to have completed this first complex step of delivering a resilient platform on time and in compliance with the Regulation. Our priority is to now rapidly ensure complete, consistent and timely provision of data for all the applicable data categories and borders, to better serve market participants, interested stakeholders and consumers,” said Nick Winser, ENTSO-E President and Executive Director, National Grid Plc. Not yet up to full speed, the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform is already receiving 80,000 data files per day from data providers and data owners, including generation companies, power exchanges, capacity allocation offices, transmission system operators, market balancing operators, distribution system operators and large consumption units. This converts to around 3 million published data values per day in timeframes ranging from 15 minutes to yearly, depending on the data category. The previous platform published 300,000 values a day. The Benefits of Market Transparency Later this year, the data available through the platform will also contribute to the implementation of Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (REMIT), which will monitor wholesale energy markets and enable the application of sanctions in cases of market abuse. Related Links and Downloads |