Predbežná správa vyšetrovacieho výboru o výpadku elektriny v Taliansku, ku ktorému došlo dňa 28. septembra 2003 | ||||||
The Investigation Committee |
In the immediate aftermath of the 28 September 2003 blackout in Italy, Transmission It was agreed that all required data would be provided by the operators of the five coun-tries The interim report gives a factual description of the sequence of events, followed by a |
Context |
It must be emphasized that the original function of the interconnected systems is to form Nevertheless, the transmission system operators have in the last few years steadily im-proved |
Sequence of events |
The sequence of events was triggered by a trip of the Swiss 380 kV line Mettlen-Lavorgo Meanwhile, other lines had taken over the load of the tripped line, as is always the case At 03:11, a phone conversation took place between the Swiss co-ordination centre of The reduction of the Italian import by about 300 MW was in effect 10 minutes after the This import reduction, together with some internal countermeasures taken within the At 03:25, the line Sils-Soazza also tripped after a tree flashover. This flashover was Having lost two important lines, the then created overloads on the remaining lines in the During these 12 seconds of very high overloads, instability phenomena had started in Countermeasures were implemented within Italy in order to face a disconnection of the |
Security and reliability standards – safety of the system |
The operation of the European interconnected electricity system is subject to security A main principle underlying these standards is, that the system must be operated in such This rule also states that in case of loss of N-1 security the system must not only with-stand It implies that countermeasures must be identified and prepared at each moment and for The Committee examined the state of the system just before the occurrence of the first In this specific case, the appropriate countermeasure for the loss of the line was the Shutting down the pumps in mutual support, when requested under emergency condi-tions The Committee identified 4 main reasons for the fact that things did not go as foreseen. |
Main reasons for the blackout |
Due to the high loads on the remaining lines, an automatic device, aiming at protect-ing The operators were unaware of the fact that the overload on Sils-Soazza was only As explained in the sequence of events, this was the reason why the Italian system Tree cutting, to maintain safe distances regarding flashover, is subject to national |
Further work of the Committee |
Several issues are listed in the report, which will be examined in the next stage. Moreover, lessons learnt and action to be undertaken after the blackout will be part of |
All related media contacts: |
Investigation Committee Chairman: Frank Vandenberghe tel.:+32 2 382 21 76, E-mail: |
Dokument na stiahnutie | ||||||