Acknowledgement for the participation in the satisfaction survey (1)


Dear business partners,
Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a. s., (SEPS, a. s.) has again conducted a questionnaire satisfaction survey among its customers in the field of the services provided.
We would like to thank you for the time, answers and valuable opinions to all customers which participated in the survey.
The 2011 satisfaction survey evaluation was executed pursuant to the internal documentation of SEPS, a. s.
The evaluation of the overall satisfaction reveals that the customers are satisfied with the provision of services.
The index of overall satisfaction reached 1.67 (numerical value falls within the range from 1 to 4, i.e. 1 very satisfied, 2 satisfied, 3 unsatisfied, 4 very unsatisfied). 39% of customers were very satisfied, 55.5% were satisfied, 5.5% were unsatisfied and 0% was very unsatisfied.
The opinions of the customers of the satisfaction with cooperation with SEPS, a. s., are a useful tool at enhancing services provided by the company.
Thank you to all parties taking part in the satisfaction survey.

We are looking forward to further cooperation.

ISM & Quality Dept.
