As a consequence of the fact, that DAMAS SK will be inaccessible from 7.4.2006 4:00 p.m. to 10.4.2006 7:00 a.m. following regime will be valid:
- deadline for long-term schedules in DAMAS SK for business days 8.4., 9.4., 10.4.2006 is 7.4. 2006 7:45 a.m. for profiles SEPS/ČEPS, SEPS/PSE-O and SEPS/WPS
- deadline for long-term schedules in DAMAS SK for business days 8.4., 9.4., 10.4.2006 is 7.4. 2006 1:0 p.m. for profile SEPS/MAVIR
- common daily scheduling for business days 9.4., 10.4. 2006 and profiles SEPS/ČEPS and SEPS/PSE-O – it means:
- daily schedules for business days 9.4., 10.4. 2006 and profile SEPS/ČEPS will be sent to ČEPS only (e-Trace). SEPS, a.s. wil accept the daily schedules accepted by ČEPS.
- daily schedules for business days 9.4., 10.4. 2006 and profile SEPS/PSE-O will be sent to PSE-O only. SEPS, a.s. wil accept the daily schedules accepted by PSE-O.
- daily allocation of transmission capacity in DAMAS SK for business days 8.4., 9.4., 10.4.2006 and profile SEPS/WPS will be held on 7.4.2006. Deadline for daily schedules in DAMAS SK for business days 8.4., 9.4., 10.4.2006 is 7.4. 2006 1:00 p.m.
- deadline for transfers of transmission capacities (in e-Trace) for profiles SEPS/ČEPS and SEPS/PSE-O for business days 9.4., 10.4. and 11.4. 2006 is 7.4. 2006 7:00 a.m.
- deadline for transfers of transmission capacities (in DAMAS SK) for profile SEPS/WPS and business days 10.4. and 11.4. 2006 is 7.4. 2006 7:00 a.m.