Expected decrease in available capacities for exports from SEPS, a.s., on the SEPS-MAVIR profile


Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s., is analysing in regard of the execution of differentiated maintenance processes and follow-up implementation of system operating measures the issues of declination of transmission capacities for exports from SEPS, a.s., on the cross-border transmission profile SEPS – MAVIR for 2008.

Based on existing background documents and assumptions, SEPS, a.s., expects that the SEPS – MAVIR profile capacity for exports from SEPS, a.s., which SEPS, a.s., is able to guarantee throughout 2008 in meeting all the criteria for safe and reliable PS SR operation, will be lower as compared to the capacity offered in the annual auction for 2007. SEPS, a.s., as a credible company thinks it professional and fair to point out these objective inevitable facts as early as these days despite that the information on transmission capacities on cross-border profiles for next year and the rules for their allocation is published as late as October.

In the given context it is necessary to underline that SEPS, a.s., in its action consistently respects the rules for impartiality, non-discrimination and transparent market access to available transmission capacities. Analyses suggesting a decline in transmission capacities on the given profile rely on necessary maintenance at Lemešany, Križovany and Sučany electric stations with extensive and differentiated impacts on the whole of PS SR. The cited induced reconstructions should not impact electricity supplies on the Slovak Republic´s territory. SEPS, a.s., will inform of further steps and decisions on the given issues in relation to their topicality.
