Dear Market Participants,
REMIT legislation imposes on electricity and gas market participants an obligation to submit records of transactions on wholesale energy markets including orders to trade to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER).
For the purposes of REMIT Market participant means every person conducting transactions on one or more wholesale markets, notably:
• Transmission system operators for electricity and gas
• Electricity and gas traders
• Producers of electricity with installed capacity of 10 MWe or higher
• Producers of gas with capacity of 20 MW or higher
• Consumers of electricity and gas with annual technical consumption capacity 600 GWh and higher
Market participants entering into transactions which are required to be reported to the Agency shall, prior to commencing such transaction, register with the national regulatory authority in the Member State in which they are established, resident or active. Subsequently, the transaction reporting obligation of a market participant is considered as fulfilled also when the information is provided not by himself, but via an organized market reporting on his behalf. Market participants, obliged to reporting data, shall nevertheless remain responsible for the completeness, accuracy and timely provision of data reported via a third party to the ACER and on request also to the national regulatory authority.
In pursuance of launching the market participants’ registration with the national regulatory authority, OKTE, a.s. is organizing, in cooperation with the Regulatory Office for Network Industries and Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s., a workshop for market participants on procedures and possibilities of compliance with the obligations imposed and created by REMIT legislation. The workshop is taking place on 17 March 2015 in Bratislava. Programme and further information will be published in the next few days.
The workshop is free of charge, participation is subject to registration. Due to capacity constraints, representation is limited to 2 persons per company. Please do not hesitate send the names and e-mail addresses of your representatives until 12 March 2015 to: remit@okte.sk.