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Final pilot TYNDP to be published on 30 June


After going through six weeks of public consultation from 1 March till 11 April and a stakeholder workshop on 19 March, the publication of the final version of ENTSO-E’s pilot Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP), taking into account all consultation results, is scheduled for 30 June.

ENTSO-E’s Ten-Year Network Development Plan is a non-binding, forward-looking plan for pan-European electricity transmission infrastructure investments. It is required by the Third Legislative Energy Package on the Internal Energy Market. According to Art 8.3. of Regulation (EC) 714/2009 on electricity cross-border exchanges, ENTSO-E is to issue the TYNDP, including a European generation adequacy outlook, every two years.
The TYNDP’s objectives are to ensure transparency regarding the electricity transmission network and to inform decision-making concerning electricity infrastructure investments at regional and European level, and thus to help achieve the European energy policy goals. In this context the TYNDP will be a factual and methodological reference document to inform the European Commission’s upcoming Energy Infrastructure Package, identifying priority projects in electricity infrastructure.
On 30 June, ENTSO-E will publish the full document alongside all consultation results and updated investment project maps.

Press and media representatives interested in further information or interview opportunities are kindly asked to contact:

Michael Mieszczanski
Communication Advisor,
email: mmi@entsoe.eu
phone: 0032 (0)

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