Published: 14/08/2015 Brussels
Today for the first time common rules for capacity calculation and congestion management (CACM) in the whole of Europe enter into force. These guidelines, set the European rules for the functioning of the cross border day ahead and intraday market in EU.
The implementation of the EU CACM guideline needs to be completed by end 2018. This will require the effort of all, transmission, generators, traders, regulators alike. To streamline the stakeholder interaction in this new phase, ACER and ENTSO-E have set up European Stakeholder Committees. The first meeting is due on the 29th of September in Brussels. First consultation on CACM implementation will be published on 24 August.
A lot of the market codes have been triggered by self-initiated TSO cooperation at regional level. Several implementation projects are ongoing and are already putting this new EU electricity market legislation into practice. “What Europe is doing in terms of electricity market has never been done before. The task is challenging. But the outcome is worth it: €4 billion saved each year on electricity bills”, commented Konstantin Staschus, ENTSO-E Secretary-General.
Success is depending on active participation from all the electricity value chain. To facilitate this, European Stakeholder Committees will be launched in September. All key implementation elements will be put to consultation. The first one will be issued on 24 August on the Capacity Calculation Regions.
“This is really the internal energy market in the making. Everyone needs to get involved and cooperate to get things done. This is about half a billion customers and their economic welfare”, concludes Bente Hagem, Chair of the ENTSO-E Board.
Related links:
• EU guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (Official Journal)
• ENTSO-E webpage on the CACM guideline