The Czech – Slovak cross-border profile has seen a decrease in its transmission capacity in connection with the scheduled work on transmission system lines. The restriction is temporary and the reinstatement can be expected over next week. The Czech and Slovak TSO´s have experienced in the last days an overreaction by traders to this situation, with transmission requests considerably exceeding common values. There is a risk of this state persisting unreasonably in regard of applying the principle for proportional reduction of transmission requests. Such being the case, ČEPS, a. s., and SEPS, a. s., consider making impossible in the short term free nominations on the CZ/SK profile and providing the entire capacity for the daily electricity market. The market participants would be informed in advance of such a step.
Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a. s. (SEPS, a. s.)
Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a. s. (Slovak Electricity Transmission System, Plc.) was registered as an independent legal entity on 21 January 2002 and acts as the transmission system operator in the Slovak Republic. The mission of the company is to operate the transmission system reliably, provide for the dispatching control of the system, its maintenance, renewal and development so as to ensure the reliable and quality supply of electricity as well as parallel operation with the neighbouring ENTSO-E systems, while observing the non-discriminative and transparent principles of access to the networks with the minimal environmental impacts.
For more information, see
ČEPS, a. s.:
The joint-stock company ČEPS acts in the Czech Republic´s territory as an exclusive Transmission System Operator (440 kV and 220 kV power lines) under an electricity transmission licence granted by the Power Regulatory Authority under the Energy Act. It maintains, renews and develops 39 substations featuring 67 transformers transmitting electricity from the transmission system to the distribution system and runs 400 kV lines 2,968 km long and 220 kV lines 1,371 km long. ČEPS is integrated in European structures. Within the Czech power system ČEPS provides transmission systems and real-time electricity generation and consumption balance services (system services). Furthermore, ČEPS provides for cross-border transmission for electricity exports, imports and transits. Also, the company has long been actively involved in the formation of Czech and European liberalized electricity markets. For more information, see