Following the assessment of all relevant facts, Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s., management has elected not to sign the Interim ITC Clearing and Settlement Agreement June-December 2007 (Interim ITC Agreement), thus a private agreement of transmission system operators relating to the method of compensation for the use of networks for electricity cross-border transmissions.
SEPS, a.s., is aware of the fact that need for the above compensations arises out of Regulation No. 1228/2003, however it points out that the Guidelines describing the procedure to establish the amount of compensations and the method of collection thereof have not been issued to date.
The Agreement worked out under the auspices of the European Transmission System Operators (ETSO) is based on the IMICA method which has not been accepted at the level of European Regulators for Electricity and Gas (EUREG), nor is encouraged by the Slovak Regulatory Office for Network Industries (ÚRSO).
Moreover, the Agreement fails to deal with relations to the so-called perimeter EU countries.
SEPS, a.s., wishes to underline that in its action and decision-making it does respect the principles of social liability and fair relations. In regard of financial links between the CBT Clearing and Settlement Agreement April-May 2007 and the Interim ITC Agreement for the months of June to December, the non-accession to the Interim ITC Agreement for the months of June-December 2007 implies that SEPS, a.s., will not be collecting the perimeter fee for imports of electricity scheduled from ČEPS over April-May 2007.